Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own

  • Virginia Woolf: A Room of One's Own



    Virginia Woolf was a British writer who is regarded as one of most famous modernist and feminist writer of the 20th century. She wrote several famous novels, essays and other literary works and is renowned for inventing her own unique narrative style writing of her time. Even today, she is an extremely important figure in the literary world and her works and contributions are central topic of discussion in the world of literature. For our project today, we will discuss a topic from one of her essays which will highlight her writing and also encourage us to discuss some issues in the end. As Virginia Woolf was a feminist, therefore, this project is all about that topic. 


    In one of her essays, Virginia Woolf once talked about Shakespeare’s Sister, Judith Shakespeare. Actually, she was a fictional character. Woolf invented her to compare the conditions and level of prosperity of the 16th century male with those of the female writers of that time.


    Both Shakespeare and Judith share the same kind of talent. However, the way they were treated was extremely different. Shakespeare went to grammar school, learned Latin, worked at the Globe theatre as housekeeper before he became a famous playwright. 


    On the other hand, Judith didn't get any privilege like going to school, nor was she offered education at home. She is forced to agree to a marriage with a man of her father’s choice in her teens. To escape that, she fled from her home and went to London. Reaching a theater there, she wanted to work as an actress. But she was mocked by the theatre manager Nick Greene as girls were not not allowed to work at the theater that time. Her talent went unacknowledged, and hence, it was completely wasted. 


    Now, our question for you all is, assume that - 

    You visit a less-known village of Bangladesh where female education is seen with negligence and girls become victims of early and sometimes forceful marriage. 

    There you meet a girl highly talented, can sing and dance pretty fine. She can even read and write a little bit that she has learnt secretly. She has an interest to become a playwright. 

    So, How will you approach her and her family? What points will you raise to convince her family and villagers to promote education among girls? Can technology remove the prejudices regarding female education, girl empowerment and marriage at specified age? Mention a few steps you can do instantly in proceeding the girl’s desire of becoming a playwright.  

    --Quiz prepared by Fahmida Begum


    Please write your responses in the comment box below and please write your answers in 185 words or less. Please do not go beyond the word limit as it may cutoff your comments midway in the comment section. So please keep an eye on that. Otherwise, you answer may not be readable. Please submit your responses by May 8th or before (Bangladesh time). We will discuss everyone's responses and select a winner who will get $5.  Please give practical, persuasive and creative answers to win this quiz. 


    The winner of this quiz project was Mostafizur Rahman. Click here to see all answers and ideas.  



  • Fahmida Begum likes this
  • Samia Ahmed
    Samia Ahmed The first thing I can do is focus on making aware of education, most importantly female education. I will inform the villagers first.I will give them the idea of mental health. How education is related to mental and physical strength. In this era, mental...  more
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  • Nur-E-Tamima Tuba
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