Fatima Ahmed's Album: Wall Photos

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Our website will continue with different riddles as long as the wiki project is going on. We have seen that the coronavirus death numbers are different in different countries. Some developed countries have far worse death rates than other developed countries even though they all followed the same social distancing techniques, wore masks and followed strict lockdown rules. Scientists are trying to find out more about this reason before they release the corona vaccine. Our question to Coolinventor members is, why do you think one developed nation has more deaths than another developed nation even though they all followed the same social distancing strategy, practiced good hygiene wearing masks, and followed strict lockdown rules? There is a surprising reason for this...please share your insights in the comment below and the person with the best answer will get $3.
  • Shorna Chowdhury likes this
  • Md Ripon Islam
    Md Ripon Islam Yes, Corona Virus costing killing many life everyday. When the first corona pandemic crash into our planet, it attack the developed country. Statistics says that developed country face many deaths than the developing and poor country. But gradually the...  more
    June 23, 2020
  • Nishat Tamanna
    Nishat Tamanna Coronavirus death rates are uncomparable among countries. Some countries are showing more death rates than others as- 1. Coronavirus has undergone mutations.Some strains are more dangerous than the others. 2. The more the testing the more the...  more
    June 23, 2020
  • Sourav Chowhan
    Sourav Chowhan I think this differences between one nation to another is because of genome sequence and mutation.Recent research detected some hotspots of mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome. Researchers found that the Asian, European, American and Russian strains...  more
    June 24, 2020
  • Shahriar Dipto
    Shahriar Dipto The Corona confusion is how to make sense of numbers. The numbers of infected and death varies greatly, yet they can't tell the actual scenarios of countries. 'How willingly people get tested and Who gets tested' are two of the main factors. There may be...  more
    June 24, 2020